Three kingdoms

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Más productos relacionados con three kingdoms para ti

Romance Of The Three Kingdoms XIII

23,46 €

  • En Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 los jugadores tienen casi ilimitadas opciones de personalización, ya que pueden elegir entre los 700 personajes históricos (entre los que se incluyen los favoritos de los fans Zhao Yun, Liu Bei, Cao Cao, etc.), o c...
  • Los fans de los juegos de estrategia encontrarán en este título, excepcionalmente minucioso, toda una mezcla gratificante y desafiante de profunda estrategia y guerras históricas veraces, sin necesidad de que el usuario esté familiarizado con la rica...
Total War: Three Kingdoms - Edición Limitado

32,67 €

  • Poster de doble cara con un mapa de la campaña y personajes
  • Caja premium deluxe
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV

29,91 €

  • Triumph over the land, take charge of the fate of China! Conquer territories and fly your colours
  • the game's map showcases the territory captured and the thrill of expansion using a simplified colour system. Everything from war to diplomatic affairs will be geared toward managing and gathering land as players attempt to spread their strategies at...
  • more uniquely personified officers to lead to reunite the Empire! Greater individuality among characters will also be on display, with officers from the three Kingdoms like Liu be I and guan Yu asserting themselves at various situations in order to f...
  • rulers with different convictions and tactics bring about myriad gameplay! With organisations now determined through each ruler's ideals, different game experiences are now possible via different rulers. Even within the same faction, different polici...