Indivisible (videojuego)

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Más productos relacionados con indivisible (videojuego) para ti

PlayStation 4 Slim (PS4) - Consola de 500 GB Chasis F, Negro

349,0 €

  • Versión Slim
  • Capacidad de 500 GB
  • Chasis tipo F
  • Color Negro

24,95 €

  • Acción plataformas
  • RPG

22,37 €

  • Unique Hybrid Design Indivisible is equal parts platformer and RPG, blending side-scrolling exploration with fast-paced RPG combat.
  • Explore Loka Explore a vast, lush world using over a dozen abilities Ajna will learn on her journey.
  • Huge Character Roster With over 20 unique Incarnations to choose from, there are countless ways to customise your party for battle.
  • Hand-Drawn and Hand-Animated Every character and monster has been painstakingly crafted, with every animation frame brimming with character.
  • Legendary Music Score Indivisibles soundtrack has been composed by legendary game composer Hiroki Kikuta, renowned for genre favourites like Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 3, and Koudelka.

30,29 €

  • Unique Hybrid Design: Indivisible is equal parts platformer and RPG, blending side-scrolling exploration with fast-paced RPG combat.
  • Explore Loka: Explore a vast, lush world using over a dozen abilities Ajna will learn on her journey.
  • Huge Character Roster: With over 20 unique Incarnations to choose from, there are countless ways to customise your party for battle.
  • Hand-Drawn and Hand-Animated: Every character and monster has been painstakingly crafted, with every animation frame brimming with character.
  • Legendary Music Score: Indivisibles soundtrack has been composed by legendary game composer Hiroki Kikuta, renowned for genre favourites like Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 3, and Koudelka.
Indivisible - Xbox One [Importación inglesa]

27,18 €

  • Unique Hybrid Design Indivisible is equal parts platformer and RPG, blending side-scrolling exploration with fast-paced RPG combat.
  • Explore Loka Explore a vast, lush world using over a dozen abilities Ajna will learn on her journey.
  • Huge Character Roster With over 20 unique Incarnations to choose from, there are countless ways to customise your party for battle.
  • Hand-Drawn and Hand-Animated Every character and monster has been painstakingly crafted, with every animation frame brimming with character.
  • Legendary Music Score Indivisibles soundtrack has been composed by legendary game composer Hiroki Kikuta, renowned for genre favourites like Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 3, and Koudelka.